Jordan Ward, Joony: JRNY - Album Review
Jordan Ward and Joony provide a cathartic tracklist to get us through the highs and lows
Overall Rating: 7.2 / 10
Lyric Tally: 7.0 / 10
This EP is such an aptly titled project: it was indeed a J(OU)RN(E)Y, albeit brief, but a JRNY nonetheless. Coming off of his critically acclaimed album FORWARD, Jordan Ward links with hometown friend Joony, for a smooth trek through the various emotions we feel as we grow older: confidence, anxiety, envy, regret, greed, and lust. The Lido influence on the production is heavy, and I’m here for it. Between Lido’s simple yet ambient synths and vocal sampling, Jordan’s soft singing, and Joony’s fun flows, this EP is a Swiss army knife: Feel free to spark up to it, work to it, pick up a new hobby with it playing in the background, read a book to it, or just lay back in bed and let the tunes take you on an odyssey away from your most forefront thoughts.
Best Lyric: “Just a good kid in a mad city, so of course they gon' sing about me. But, you in that backseat freestyling. My bitch smoke hella weed, just vibing, yeah. She a swimming pool, baby drowning, yeah”
Ranking Songs By Lyrics (Best to Worst):
Jealousy - PARTYNEXTDOOR isn’t necessarily my favorite artist but you cannot deny his impact. This song interpolates one of his most iconic lines, and it hits just as hard with each new listen. I don’t know if it’s how Jordan sang it, but his delivery is perfectly stoic, calm, collected yet angelic. And his performance is just as beautiful as the overall message (i.e., using jealousy/envy to show how much you care for someone or something). How Nietzchean of Jordan!
Favorite Lyric: “You got niggas, and I got bitches. In different cities, but I want you.”
Homebody - This song features my favorite lyricism on the EP, and honestly some of the wittiest writing I have seen from Ward. This record perfectly captures the narrative of going from most hated to being celebrated with an anticipative energy possessed from start to end by the sampled background choir playing on loop and the lack of 808s.
Favorite Lyric: “They was trying to shoot me down and I was just starting out. Now, I'm the best possible example they was probably thinking 'bout”
Burning Rubber - It’s crazy how an anthem for hoeing can sound like an innocent pop song straight from “Sonic: The Hedgehog”. This high-pitched, uptempo vibe makes thoughtless lust seem like a peccadillo. But do not be fooled; there is more pretext and subtext than meets the eye behind this illusory record.
Favorite Lyric: “My heart in the streets, and I’m really burning rubber.”
Embargo - Can a song be debonair? I think so. But this handsome record is more than a pretty face. Embargoes are usually viewed as limits on imports from other nations for political motives or prioritizing domestic commerce. But what if you, yourself (as opposed to countries), had embargoes placed upon you? Would you be tempted to disobey them? It’s a bit of a stretch to think of yourself in this way, but the baseline idea Jordan and Joony highlight is the fine line between a tenacious desire for greater and excessive gluttony that yields stagnation. When is enough enough?
Favorite Lyric: “Just a state street, third district kid; took a different route. They playing with Jordan? Someone sit Pippen down”
One Too Many Times - This song starts with a lighter flick, which serves as a perfect entry point. I don’t know about you, but indica often incites emotions of reminiscing and ruminating on the past. It’s not always negative; it depends on what’s on my subconscious. But, I’m sure at some point or another, we all have erred in our relationships. Here, Jordan and Joony provide a smooth, almost interlude-like record of regret after a failed relationship.
Favorite Lyric: “It feel like my karma coming 'round. Making up for it slowly, am I getting closer? The back of your mind now is vacant and open. We could make it right, but you won't have me over”
Let me know what your thoughts were of the EP; I’ll be around in the comments :)